

Comparative Study on the Structure of Heart Tissues and the Content of ATP Enzyme in Heart Tissues in Micropterus Salmoides and Eriocheir sinensis
摘要 研究比较了大口黑鲈(Micropterussalmoides)和中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirsinensisH.MilneEdwards)心脏组织结构、肥大细胞和ATP酶含量。结果发现,大口黑鲈与中华绒螯蟹心脏组织结构明显不同。中华绒螯蟹心肌纤维排列更加松散,线粒体形态多样,嵴短而松散;大口黑鲈的心肌纤维有明显的明带和暗带,而中华绒螯蟹的仅见长度约为1.5μm的暗带;大口黑鲈与中华绒螯蟹心肌组织间肥大细胞着色特性、形态及分布相似,中华绒螯蟹心脏组织中肥大细胞长径比大口黑鲈的略大,长约为20.6μm。透射电镜下观察,肥大细胞胞浆中充满高电子密度颗粒。在中华绒螯蟹心室中发现有与肥大细胞形态相似的白细胞。中华绒螯蟹心脏指数显著高于大口黑鲈,但大口黑鲈心肌组织ATP含量远高于中华绒螯蟹。结果表明大口黑鲈的心脏组织结构比中华绒螯蟹更为复杂,两种动物心肌间均发现有肥大细胞的分布,中华绒螯蟹单位心脏重量所含ATP酶的量明显比大口黑鲈低,这可能与它为开放式循环供能所需能量较低有关。 The morphology of heart tissue, mast ceils and the content of ATP in heart tissues were comparatively analyzed to explore the difference of morphology and function in heart between Micropterus salmoides and Eriocheir sinensis from different evolution status. Results showed that there were obvious differences on the morphology of heart between Micropterus salmoides and Eriocheir sinensis. The arrangements of myofibrils were more loosened in Eriocheir sinensis than Micropterus salmoides. The various mitochondria with short and loose cristas distributed in Eriocheir sinensis heart. Micropterus salmoides has the cross-striated cardiac muscle cells with A and I bands. Eriocheir sinensis has only the myosin filaments (A-band) of approximately 1.5 μm;The staining properties, the morphology and distribution of the mast cells in Micropterus salmoides were similar to that in Eriocheir sinensis in some aspects. The mast cells were larger in Eriocheir sinensis heart tissues,which was approximately 20.6 μm,than that in Micropterus salmoide heart tissues. Under electron microscopy,these mast cells contained cytogranules of high electron density. The morphology of the haemocyte in ventricle of Eriocheir sinensis was similar to that of mast cell; The heart index of Eriocheir sinensis was significant higher than that of Micropterus salmoides, but the higher content of ATP existed in Micropterus salmoides heart tissues. The results suggesed that the structure of Micropterus salmoides's heart was much complex than Eriocheir sinensis. Mast cells were observed in both Micropterus salmoides and Eriocheir sinensis's heart. The content of ATP enzyme per weight heart was much higher in Micropterus salmoides than Eriocheir sinensis, which may be correlated with openedway cycle system in Micropterus salmoides.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 2007年第11期40-45,共6页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 上海市曙光计划(02-SG-40) 上海市博士启动资金(05-212) 上海市重点学科建设项目(Y1101)
关键词 大口黑鲈 中华绒螯蟹 心脏 肥大细胞 ATP酶 Micropterus salmoides Eriocheir sinensis heart morphology mast cells ATP enzyme
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