

Advance in Nonsegmented Negative-strand RNA Virus as Vaccine Vector
摘要 负链RAN病毒的反向遗传系统建立以后,非节段负链RNA病毒作为疫苗载体的研究取得了重要进展。文章从病毒载体的构建策略、插入基因在载体中的位置、插入片段的大小、数量以及外源基因的表达对载体的毒性作用进行了综述;对外源糖蛋白整合到病毒粒子上对载体的影响,通过不同的方法和途径来提高载体疫苗的免疫效果方面进行阐述。 Since reverse genetic system of RNA virus is set up,advance of negative RNA wrus as vector has made. The article summarized the strategy of constructing vector, the position of insert in the gene order, insert size, insert number and inset toxic. Also,the foreign glycoprotein which was incorporated into the vector particle generate effect on vector,various methods and routes which can enhance immunity protection of viral vaccine were reviewed.
作者 颜新敏 张强
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 2007年第11期71-74,共4页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 非节段负链RNA病毒 病毒疫苗 载体 Nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus viral vaccine vector
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