
含氟“三防”纺织助剂的研究进展 被引量:1

Development of the Oil-and Water-repellent Based on Fluorinated Acrylate Copolymers
摘要 含氟"三防"纺织助剂是一种能明显改变织物的表面性能,使织物具有防水、防油、防污性能的助剂系列。综述了含氟"三防"纺织助剂的发展过程、研究现状,对该系列助剂的合成工艺进行了总结,并对该系列助剂国内发展进行展望。 Abstract The fluorinated acrylate copolymers are particularly useful to provide good oil - and/or water repellency properties to the textile suhstrate because they have good surface properties. In this paper, the development and the research of the fluorinated acrylate copolymers were reviewed. And the synthesis of the compositions was summarized. The development of the compositions in China was previewed.
出处 《化工时刊》 CAS 2007年第11期63-66,共4页 Chemical Industry Times
关键词 “三防”纺织助剂 含氟丙烯酸(酯) 共聚物 乳液聚合 oil-and/or water repellency fiuorinated acrylate copolymer emulsion polymerization
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