"To besiege a city and annihilate at the enemy relief force" is one of the basic tactics of the movement battles, and is the significant means to move the enemy and create opporttmity to annihilate at the enemy. "To attack a city and annihilate at the enemy relief force" and "To seize a city and annihilate at the enemy relief force" are the same tactics as the "To besiege a city and annihilate at the enemy relief force"that belong to the combat of annihilating at the enemy relief force.The latter two are regarded as the flexible applications of the formers. The PLA, again and again, created good opportunities of annihilating at the enemy by using the tactics such as "To besiege a city and annihilate at the enemy relief force", etc, to make the fighting form become a great magic weapon which defeats the enemy.
Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege
China' s War of Liberation
to besiege a city and annihilate at the enemy relief force