GIS二次开发中对于空间数据的管理与应用可以采用两种方式,一种是采用GIS平台商提供的空间数据库管理中间件加通用商业数据库软件,另一种是直接采用数据库厂商提供的空间数据库扩展模块;论文将以ARCSDE和ORACLE spatial为例,从空间数据的模型、存储方式、应用开发等方面详细比较两种解决方案的优缺点,探讨了GIS二次开发中空间数据库比较合理的技术实现方法.
There are two major technical approaches for the management application of the spatial databases in the GIS software development. The first is to adopt spatial database engine (SDE) provided by commercial GIS companies through relational database management systems, and the second is directly to use spatial database ex- panding models provided by spatial database companies. ArcSDE and Oracle Spatial are taken as the examples to make a detailed study and comparison between the two approaches from the aspects of the spatial data models, data storage methods, and the application development. Finally, a reasonable solution of implementation of the spatial database management system in GIS application software development is provided.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)