
不同年级学生的工作记忆研究 被引量:2

Research on Working Memory of Students of Different Grades
摘要 从小学三年级、五年级、初中二年级、高中二年级中分别挑选被试对象各80人,进行工作记忆广度测量。结果发现:1.工作记忆广度的发展随着年级的增长而发展;2.各年级学生的两项工作记忆广度测试成绩与语文、数学成绩有较高的正相关。结论:工作记忆与学生的学业成绩关系密切,即工作记忆是有效学习的前提。 80 students were selected from the primary school of Grade Three, Grade Five, and the junior middle school of Grade Two, the senior middle school of Grade Two. They were given two tests of working memory. The results indicated: (1) The development of the working memory developed with the increasing of grade; (2) The result of the two kinds of working memory of each grade had been higher positive correlation with the result of Chinese and maths. Conclusion: Working memory has osculation relation with school work achievements of the students, that is, working memory is the premise of efficient learning.
出处 《韶关学院学报》 2007年第10期141-144,共4页 Journal of Shaoguan University
关键词 执行功能 工作记忆 有效学习 executive function working memory efficient learning
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