

An Analysis of Paradoxical Aestheticism in Long Days Journey into Night
摘要 《长日入夜行》中杰米蒂龙的形象表现了奥尼尔的悸论美学,即“矛盾产生动能”的创作理念。通过分析杰米对其家庭成员的复杂矛盾的感情以及他叛逆的社会宗教价值理念,可以发现其隐藏在愤世嫉俗的享乐主义面具下的人文主义思想。而奥尼尔正是通过塑造这种正反矛盾的悲剧英雄形象来表达他对尼采的“有力的悲观主义”的理解。 Jamie Tyrone in Long Days Journey into Night reflects O' Neil' s paradoxical aestheticism that contra-diction generates kinetic energy. So through analyzing Jamie' s ambivalent emotions towards his family members and his values towards society and religion, we learn that under the surface of cynical hedonism, he is a humane figure. It is this contradiction that makes him a tragic hero, which is based on O' Neil' s understanding of Nietzsche' s "pessimism of strength"
作者 付晶晶
出处 《韶关学院学报》 2007年第4期43-46,共4页 Journal of Shaoguan University
关键词 杰米蒂龙 奥尼尔 悖论美学 Jamie Tyrone O' Neil Paradoxical Aestheticism
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  • 1BOGARD·TRAVIS.Contour in Time -The Plays of Eugene O’Neill[]..1972
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