根据对浙江省沿海4市(舟山、宁波、台州、温州)渔区1996~2005年流刺网渔业的调查及浙江渔场流刺网监测船资料,研究了浙江沿海流刺网作业的渔业概况、渔具规格、渔获物组成、数量分布、渔船经济效益、存在问题及管理对策。结果表明,近几年浙江近海流刺网的船只数在5 119~4 355艘,产量约占浙江海洋捕捞总产量的4.95%;近海机流渔获组成以鲳鱼、梭子蟹为主,近岸小机流渔获以鮸鱼、蛸类为主,叫姑鱼、蟳类次之;渔具以单片式流刺网为主,三重流网次之,作为主要捕捞力量标志的单位船只网具携带数量也有逐年增加趋势。流刺网的经济效益,近海流刺网船均利润在15~20万元(2~6人),近岸小机流人均利润在1.5~6.4万元。文章提出了存在问题及管理对策。
Based on the datum of fisheries and monitoring ships of gill nets in four fishing grounds adjacent to Zhejiang province from 1996 to 2005, general fishery situation, standard of fishing gear, contents of capture, distributing of capturing number and economic benefits of fishery ships on fisheries of gill nets in sea area along Zhejing province were studied. The exist problems and the manage conter measures were also suggested. The results showed that the numbers of ships with gill nets were from 4 355 to 5 119 in recent years and the captur of them was 4.95 percents of all sea capture in Zhejiang province. The captures offing the sea were mostly Stromateoides argenteus and Portunus trituberculatus, The captures in shore were mostly Miichthys miiuy and Octopus,then Johnius belengerii and Charybdis. The fishing gear were mainly single gillnet, then trinal gillnet, the symbol of main capture power was sing net ship and numbers of which were increasing year by year. The results also showed that the economic benefits of the gill nets offing the sea were form 150 000 to 200 000 yuan (2-6 personly), the economic benefits of the gill nets in shore were from 15 000 to 64 000 yuan.
Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition)
coast gill net
fisheries condition reserch
fishery management
sea area along Zhejiang coast