

Change of Cytosolic Free Ca^(2+) Concentration and Cell Polarization of Human Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils Induced by fMLP
摘要 目的:观察不同浓度的fMLP诱导中性粒细胞的极性变化,并结合胞内游离钙离子浓度([Ca2+]i)变化曲线分析不同时相细胞的极性化变化,探讨二者之间的关系。方法:使用激光共聚焦显微镜对胞内[Ca2+]i变化进行监测,细胞极性化情况通过倒置显微镜来分析。结果:胞内[Ca2+]i变化主要包括静息期(0s)、快速上升期(10s)、快速下降期(150s)、慢速下降期(250s)和终末期等5个阶段,在这5个阶段的10s时细胞膜开始皱缩,启动细胞极性化过程,之后呈现为不断的极性化和去极性化过程。结论:游离钙离子浓度升高可能启动了中性粒细胞的极性化,但对之后的极性化过程影响不明显。 Objective: To investigate the change of cytosolic free Ca^2+ concentration([Ca^2+]i) in human polymorphonuclear neutrophils and the cell polarization during different period induced by different concentration of fMLP. Methods: The change of [Ca^2+]i was studied using laser confocal microscopy and the cell polarization was by inverted microscope. Resuits: It was observed that the change of [Ca^2+]i was mainly classified into the following five phases: resting phase(0 s), rapid rise phase(10 s), rapid descent phase(150 s), slow descent phase(250 s)and final phase. During the five phases, neutrophils developed raffles all over the cell body at the time of 10 s which further elicited the cell polarization of lamellar protrusion and uropod retraction. After this, polarization and depolarization were repeatedly shown. Conclusion: The results suggested that the increasing of [Ca^2+]i elicited the polarization of neutrophils but has no obvious effects on the following nolarization neriods.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2007年第6期958-960,共3页 Letters in Biotechnology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30672353)
关键词 中性粒细胞 极性化 游离钙离子浓度 human polymorphonuelear neutrophils polarization free Ca^2+ concentration
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