
铁杉上的瓢虫种类研究(鞘翅目:瓢虫科) 被引量:6

摘要 记述了采自云南、四川铁杉上的瓢虫科昆虫,共8种,其中5种是新种:蛇形小毛瓢虫Scymnus(Scymnus)najaformisYu,云杉坪小瓢虫S.(Pullus)yunshanpingensisYu,波结毛瓢虫S.(Neopullus)sinuanodulusYuetYao,弧结毛瓢虫S.(N.)camptodromusYuetliu,截端方瓢虫PseudoscymnustruncatulusYu,2种由于单一雌性仅鉴定到属。经实验室饲养,发现波结毛瓢虫和弧结毛瓢虫捕食铁杉球蚜。 Expeditions were made to Yunnan and Sichuan, southwest of China for searching the potential natural enemies of hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsuga Annand. The collections under report contaid 45 coccinellid specimens. 8 species belonging to 4 genera are enumerated in this paper. Of those, 5 species were described as new to science: Scymnus (Scymnus ) najaformis Yu, S.(Pullus)yunshanpingensis Yu, S. (Neopullus) sinuanndulus Yu et Yao,S.(N.) camptodromus Yu et Liu, Pseudoscymnus truncatulus Yu. 2 species of Scymnini remain undetermined. S: (N.) sinuanodufus and camptodromus are found to be the predator of the adelgid through laboratory feeding. The type specimens are preserved in the authon', insdtutes by indicating IPEP for the first author's and RIFP for the latter's in the following text. 1. Scymnus (Scymnus )najaformis Yu (Fig. 1) Body length 2. 19-2. 50mm, width 1 .35-1 . 76mm. Body oval. Head brown with darkish brown eyes; pronotum brown with a Mack basal marking, extending to 2 / 3 to 3 / 4 of pronotal length, nearly oval or sexangular in shape; scutellum black: elytra black with 3 pairs of spots, usually interconnected, the extemal spot sometimes disappears or the three spots are entirely wanting; black part of elytron extending posteriorly along the suture, leaving about 1 / 10 sutural line brown. Venter brown with black pterothorax and basal segments of abdomen, or venter dark to black; legs brown, or femora and tibiae dark brown. Holntype: (IPEP), 26-X-1995, Yunshanping, Lijiang (27. 1° N, 100.2°E): Allotype: (IPEP); Paratypes: 1 2 (RIFP), same data as holotype. This species resemhles the palaearctic species S. (S.) interruptus (Goeze), but the latter varies in coloration with reladvely narrow median piece of tegmen in ventral aspect and the postcoxal line extending to the hind margin of lst abdominal sternite. This species is named after the shape of infundibulum which resembles a Cobra(Naja naja ). 2. Scymnus (Pullus )yunshanpingensis Yu(Ftg. 2) Body length 2.23-2.40mm, width 1 .49-1 .63mm. Body elongate oval. Head brown with slightly darker eyes; pronotum brown: scutellum black; elytra black with one pair of reddish brown spots, long oblique oval and being at basal 2 / 5 of elytron, connected to reddish brown apex (1 / 3 of elytral length), but the black sutuml line extending to 5 / 6 of elytron; somctimes the spots are separated from the apex if forming one small spot. Venter brown with black pterothoax and basal two segments Of abdomen. Holotype: (IPEP), 26-X-1995, Yunshanping, Lijiang, Yunnan; Allotyep: (IPEP); Paratypes: 1 1 (RIFP), same data as holotype. The new species has a peculiar coloration, and if the elytral markings disappear, it resembles S. (P.) dichorionicus Pang et Huang in outline, but differs in male genitalia and punctuation on lst abdominal stemite. 3. Scymnus (Neopullus)sinuanodulus Yu et Yao (Ftg. 3) Body length 1 .91-2. 14mm, width 1 .25-1. 37mm. Body elongale oval with nearly parallel sides. Head brown in male and dark brown in female, eyes brown or darkish brown; pronotum brown with a Back basal marking (the marking may enlarge, but the anterior and lateral margins of pronotum are distinctly brown): scutellurm black; elytra brown with a black marking on the base and a pair of long oblique oval spots, along the suture extending to 1 / 3 elytral length and the lateral sides extending to 2 / 3 elytral length, lateral marking slightly expanded posteriorly; the spots being at apical 2 / 5 of elytron, the distance to suture line shorter than that to lateral side. The spots are occasionally connected by the lateral marking. Underside of body Mack with apical part of abdomen brown, sometimes mouthparts, prothorax also brownish; legs brown to dark brown or black, usually darker in female. Holotype: (IPEP), 1-XII-1995, Ningliang (27.2°N, 100.8°E, Lijiang); Allotype: (IPEP), 22-X-1995, Heyuan(26.7°N, 99.9°E, Lijiang); paratypes: 1 2 (IPEP), same data as allotype; 3 3 (RIFP), 26-X-1995, Yunshanping. Lijiang. The differences are given with next species. 4. Scymnus (Ne
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第5期432-440,共9页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
关键词 瓢虫科 新种 铁杉球蚜 捕食 Coccinellidae, New species, Hemlock woolly adelgid, Predator
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  • 1庞雄飞,Coleopt Bull,1986年,40卷,2期,157页
  • 2庞雄飞,武夷科学,1985年,5卷,29页
  • 3庞雄飞,Coleopt Bull,1986年,40卷,2期,157页












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