

Micro-structure and size-distribution analysis for HPAM/AICit colloidal dispersion systems
摘要 在不同的HPAM浓度、HPAM/A1Cit质量比和矿化度等条件下合成了HPAM/A1Cit胶态分散体系(HACDS)。将合成的HACDS在常温下干燥,制得干片,利用Olypus偏光显微镜观察了HACDS的微观结构。采用ZetaSizer3000型电位,粒度分析仪测量了HACDS成胶过程中的粒度变化。试验结果表明:在微观状态下,成胶后的HACDS呈明显的树枝状或枝杈状,没有形成网状结构;在成胶初期,HACDS胶粒的尺寸在纳米级,而且具有多峰性的特点,随成胶时间的增加,HACDS的主粒径变大。 The HPAM/A1Cit colloidal dispersion system (HACDS) can be used for profile modification and oil flooding in the multi-layered reservoirs.The HACDS was prepared in different conditions of concentration of HPAM and NaC1, mass ratio of HPAM to A1Cit.The micro-structures of HACDS were observed by optical microscopy after evaporating of water from HACDS. The size-distributions of HACDS were measured by using ZetaSizer 3000 in the period of gelling. Experiments show that the HACDS is in the shape of branching in the dry state, not net-shaped in three dimensions like a gel, it is a type of weak gel, a type of colloidal dispersion gel. In the early period of gelling, the particle size of HACDS is in the level of nanometer, it becomes larger and larger with the gellling time increasing. The size distribution is multi-peaked for different HACDSs.
出处 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第A06期2158-2160,共3页 Journal of Functional Materials
基金 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2004AA616160)
关键词 胶态分散体系 粒度 纳米 微观结构 colloidal dispersion system size distribution nanometer micro-structure
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