针对巴西龟(Trachemys scripta elegans)在广东养殖过程中发生慢性死亡的现象,对病龟肠道病理组织学和病原学进行了研究,并对病龟开展了防治实验。结果表明:病龟肠道前中段上皮细胞有虫体寄生,分离到圆形至椭圆形的卵囊,平均大小为11.7μm×13.8μm。每个孢子化卵囊含4个孢子囊,每个孢子囊内有2个子孢子;经口人工感染的幼龟肠道中段粘膜层有病原侵入,并出现纤维素性炎症。通过分析确认此病症为艾美耳球虫(Eimeria coccidium)感染所致。对病龟采用抗球虫药磺胺氯吡嗪进行治疗,有一定的治疗效果。
In order to diagnose an outbreak of diseases in Trachemys scripta elegans in two farms in Guangdong province, histopathological method was used to observe lesion and oocysts collected from 20 severe infection cases of 210 sampled in pen. The result showed the pathogens located in the front and middle of the small intestine could cause necrosis of the epithelium. The spored oocysts detached from infection location was circular or oval with the average size of 11.7 × 13. 8 μm. Every spored oocysts had 4 sporangia, and every sporangium had 2 sporozoites. The spored oocysts could challenge healthy young tortoises and induce gentle lesion in the small intestine. Sulfaclozine was effective for treating this disease. All of these indicated that this disease was caused by Eimeria spp coccidium infection.
Freshwater Fisheries