土壤中的重金属污染会对植物造成伤害,在细胞内重金属离子会通过不同途径干扰和破坏细胞的正常代谢。植物激素能调节和控制植物的生长和发育。以黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)为材料,通过人工模拟重金属污染环境,对不同质量浓度铅胁迫下黄瓜幼苗的叶片,采用高效液相色谱法进行生长素(IAA)、细胞分裂素(Z)、赤霉素(GA3)、脱落酸(ABA)的分离、纯化和测定。探讨重金属污染对植物内源激素水平方面的变化的影响,进一步了解重金属污染对植物产生伤害的机制及抵御胁迫所发生的变化,从而采取有效措施解决重金属污染的问题。结果发现:所测的几种激素均表现出明显的变化规律:GA3、ABA升高,IAA、Z含量先上升后下降;同时经比较分析得出,随着铅质量浓度的增大,IAA/ABA、Z/ABA及GA3/ABA之比下降,Z/IAA升高。结果表明黄瓜幼苗期抵抗重金属污染的能力与内源激素水平及内源激素平衡有关。
Heavy metal ions in the cell will interfere the normal cell metabolism. Hence making damages in plants, however, plant hormones can regulate the growth of plant, so the endogenous hormones in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves were determined by HPLC (High performance Liquid Chromatography) after isolation and purification under an artificial simulation of heavy metal pollution. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of heavy metal contamination on the content of endogenous hormones and to understand plant resistance mechanism to adopt effective measures to solve the problem of heavy metal pollution. The results showed obvious changes in the content of endogenous hormones. Gibberellins (GA3) and Abscisic Acid (ABA) content increased but Auxins (IAA) and Cytokinins (Z) first increased and then decreased. And with increasing concentration of lead, IAA/ABA, Z/ABA, GA3/ABA decreased but Z/IAA increased. The resistance ability of cucumber seedling to heavy metals pollution is correlated with the endogenous hormone levels and the balance of endogenous hormones.
Ecology and Environmnet