
科学发展观与人文社会科学成果评价 被引量:2

Scientific Development Concept and Evaluation of the Achievements in the Humanities and Social Sciences
摘要 科学发展观的核心是以人为本,目的是促进社会和人的全面发展,人文社会科学是一种以人为研究对象的科学。以科学发展观来指导人文社会科学成果评价,必须完善成果评价制度,必须改变那种只重政策研究而轻视基础研究的倾向,强调学术文化研究的内在价值,统筹学术价值与社会价值的和谐,建立人文社会科学评价的人文科学标准。 The purpose of the people - oriented scientific development concept is to promote the all - round development of society and human beings. And the man - targeted ideal is usually embodied in the research in the humanities and social sciences. Guided by the scientific development concept, we should try to improve the system for evaluating the achievements in the humanities and social sciences by changing the practice where stress is only laid on study of policies instead of fundamentals, by emphasizing the intrinsic value of academic studies, by balancing the academic value and the social value of research work, and by establishing standards for the humanities and social sciences.
作者 刘梅
出处 《高校教育管理》 2007年第6期13-16,共4页 Journal of Higher Education Management
关键词 科学发展观 人文社会科学 成果评价 scientific development concept the humanities and social sciences evaluation of achievements
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