

Numerical and Model Analyses of multi-steps Reinforced Earth Retaining Walls Based on Visco-elasto-plasticity
摘要 为了研究格栅加筋墙的长期蠕变特性,在室内修筑了3台阶模型墙,对该试验的筋带和挡墙进行了长期蠕变试验。针对该模型建立了数值模型,采用粘弹塑性流变模型和粘弹性本构模型分别考虑填土与土工合成材料的非线性蠕变性,筋材与填土、填土与面板及面板之间的相互作用效应。在计算中反映逐层填筑过程,采用增量-初应变迭代法,对加筋挡墙的长期工作性能进行了分析。通过与实测结果的比较,分析得到了3台阶加筋墙的长期工作性能特性。 In this paper, A 3 stepped geogrid reinforced earth retaining wall has been engaged for studying the mechanical character which is effected by the creep deformation of the belts. In the proposed method, nonlinear creep behavior of both filling soils and geosynthetics used for reinforcements is taken in account by using the rheological models of visco-elasto-plasticity and nonlinear visco-elasticity respectively. Additionally, the interaction effects among reinforcement, the fills, and the panel are rationally considered with the Goodman's joint element model. The layer-by-layer filling process of backfills of the retaining wall is also simulated. Nonlinear computations based on 2-D FEM are numerically implemented by hybrid algorithm in which the incremental scheme is incorporated with iteration based on the initial-strain. The reliability and reasonability of the proposed method are verified through a comparison of the computed results with experimentally-measured data and other conventional methods.
出处 《交通科技》 2007年第3期61-64,共4页 Transportation Science & Technology
关键词 土工合成材料 加筋挡土墙 粘弹塑性有限元 geosynthetics reinforced earth retaining wall FEM based on visco-elasto-plasticity
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