The algorithms for the sun's positions at the time of the new moon and at the midnight of the new-moon day in ancient Chinese calendars are analyzed, which can be classified under three types, of which the motions of the sun and moon were treated as uniform for the first type, the non-uniform motion of the moon was taken into consideration for the second type, and the non-uniform motions of the sun and moon were taken into account for the third type. The calculated positions of the sun at the time of the new moon and at other times were denoted in the equator system before Huangji CaUendar. However the positions were denoted in the ecliptic system since Huangfi Callendar, which is a great advance. The equation of the center caused by the elliptic motion was mainly taken into consideration in correcting for the non-uniform motions of the sun and moon in ancient Chinese calendars. As for the correction for the non-uniform motion of the sun, Huangfi Callendar, Dayan Callendar and Huiyuan Callendar are mainly discussed in this paper, and the results show that Huiyuan Callendar of the Song dynasty exceeds the other two calendars greatly as a whole or in the details.
Journal of Time and Frequency
history of astronomy
ancient Chinese calendars
new moon
sun's position