The ground-state energy and effective mass of an acoustic polaron in one dimension are calculated by using an electron-longitudinal-acoustic-phonon interaction Hamiltonian derived here. The self-trapping of the acoustic polaron is discussed. It is found that the critical coupling constant shifts toward weaker electron-phonon interaction with the increasing cutoff wave vector and the products of the critical coupling constant by the cutoff wave vector tend to a certain value. The self-trapping of acoustic polarons in one dimension is easier to be realized than that in three- and two-dimensional systems. The self-trapping transition of acoustic polarons is expected to be observed in the one dimensional systems of alkali halides and wide-band-gap semiconductors.
The ground-state energy and effective mass of an acoustic polaron in one dimension are calculated by using an electron-longitudinal-acoustic-phonon interaction Hamiltonian derived here. The self-trapping of the acoustic polaron is discussed. It is found that the critical coupling constant shifts toward weaker electron-phonon interaction with the increasing cutoff wave vector and the products of the critical coupling constant by the cutoff wave vector tend to a certain value. The self-trapping of acoustic polarons in one dimension is easier to be realized than that in three- and two-dimensional systems. The self-trapping transition of acoustic polarons is expected to be observed in the one dimensional systems of alkali halides and wide-band-gap semiconductors.
Supported by the PhD Progress Foundation of Higher Education of China under Grant No 20040126003, and the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongol of China under Grant No 200408020101.