Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy(ICP), either the mother or the fatus beingaffected, espcially the latter, is predisposed toprematurity, fetal distress, even to perinata1death or postpartum hemorrhage. From January1991 to July, 1995, 6336 pregnant women wereadmitted to the hospicted for delivery, of those110 cases of ICP occurred with an incidence of 1.74%, 108 cases occurred in primiparae (98.18% ), 2 cases in multiparae (1. 82%) of 110cases of ICP, prematurity occurred in 16. 38%;low birth weight, 11. 2%; fetal distress, 18.10%; neonatal apnea, 9. 48%; perinatalmortality, 25. 86 %; postpartum hemorehage,8.18%.Dexamethasone(DXM) can be administeredto prevent fr0m rspiratary distress syndrome(RDS) for those whose gestation less than 37weeks with fetal movement decreased,abnormality in fetal monitoring, early sympt0rnsbut longer patsogInic procass, and bile acidincreased. Cesarean section is justidied.induction of labor or cesarean section may byindicated for those whose gestation at 37-38weeks and preparation for saving the neonate isalso indicated. After the birth has giren, theagents for contraction can be medicated th inablethe placenta out and to recede postpartumhemorrhage.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity