
基于GIS的中国气候分区及综合评价 被引量:44

Regionalization and Integrated Assessment of Climate Resource in China based on GIS
摘要 气候是生态环境的一个重要因子,也是生态环境评价中的重要指标。本文应用地理信息系统技术,基于全国1973年~2002年734个气象站点的基本气象数据,计算了各气象站的多年平均气温、≥10℃积温、干燥度、年降水量和年降水变率等气候指标;对每个气候指标,利用聚类分析,将全国分成4~7个区域,进而在每个分区里利用“回归分析+残差修正”的方法进行插值,生成各气候指标的1km×1km栅格数据,最后利用层次分析法(AHP)建立全国的气候综合评价模型,对我国气候进行了综合评价,实现了参考土壤、植被等其他空间数据、进行气候要素区域空间变异的定量化表达及综合分析与评价。 According to the data during the period of 1973 to 2002 from 734 key meteorological stations in China, annual mean temperature, accumulated temperature over 10℃, aridity index, precipitation and precipitation variability obtained. China was divided into 4 - 7 Climate sub-areas by means of cluster analysis. In each sub-area, the method of "multiple regression model + Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) residuals" was used to interpolate meteorological data, and climate thematic maps with a spatial resolution of 1 km were produced. With the method of Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP), the model of integrated climate assessment in China was established with 4 sub-areas. The results show that, the annual mean temperature and accumulated temperature over 10℃ gradually decrease from the south to the north, and the annual mean temperature in south is 30℃ higher than that in north; the value of aridity index and precipitation variability show the increasing trend from the southeast to the northwest, and precipitation gradually decrease from the southeast coast to the northwest inland. The average value of integrated climate assessment in China is 4.37, the meteorological condition gradually becomes more atrocious from the southeast to the northwest. Among all the climate sub-areas, the climate condition in the Ⅰ sub-area is the best where climate grade is above 6; climate grade is between 4 and 5 in the Ⅱ sub-area which is little lower than that in the Ⅰ sub-area; climate grade in the Ⅲ sub-area is ranged between 2 and 3, where the climate condition is rather atrocious; climate grade in the IV sub-area varies from 1 to 5, where climate condition changes much from the southeast to the northwest: climate grade in the southeast is between 3 and 5, where the climate condition is rather good, while climate grade in the northwest is between 1 and 3, where the climate condition is rather atrocious. Spatial data can be quantitatively expressed with gridded meteorological data. Integrated analysis and assessment of multiple-factors can be realized with superposition of gridded meteorological data, soil data, vegetation data and other spatial data. The integrated climate assessment is the base of eco-environment assessment, it also can offer the basic data and study platform for developing of ecology, geography, resource and environment, etc.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期2-9,共8页 Resources Science
基金 科技部公益性项目:"三峡库区陆地生态系统综合评价与预警"(编号:2003DIB4J14) 国务院三峡办与国家林业局联合资助项目(编号:SX2001-012)
关键词 中国气候 综合评价 插值 分区 GIS Climate Integrated assessment Interpolate Sub-area GIS
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