
东北地区湿地生态系统的气候特征 被引量:19

Eco-Climate Characteristics of the Wetlands in Northeast China
摘要 湿地是分布于陆地系统和水体系统之间的,由陆地系统和水体系统相互作用形成的自然综合体。由于具有丰富的资源、独特的生态结构和生物多样性功能,享有"自然之肾"之称。本文从地貌景观视角,利用中国湿地数据库资料,及Leemans和Cramer(1990)建立的全球气候网格(0.5°×0.5°)数据库数据,选取东北地区湿地区域内358个网格点1950年~1989年的平均气象资料,计算东北地区湿地吉良温暖指数WI和寒冷指数CI及徐文铎湿度指数HI值。东北地区湿地WI值基本在20℃~103℃.月之间,CI值基本在-205℃^-80℃.月之间,东北地区湿地的HI在4.5mm^20mm/℃.月之间。由于湿地的冷湿效应,温暖指数WI值范围小于同纬度范围的东北地区的数值,而湿度指数则相同。并通过对Holdridge生命地带模型的分析及模型的修正结果,进行东北地区湿地的生态气候学分析。 Wetlands usually are distributed at the connection zone of terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems, and formed by the interaction of them. It provides such ecological services as water storage, flood mitigation, water purification and stabilization of local climatic conditions, etc. Wetland is viewed as 'kidney of the Nature' due to its abundant resources and unique ecological structure and functions. Based on the Northeast climatic regionalization, the basic thought of physiognomy landscape is presented in this paper, and the main wetlands in Northeast China are classified into several types, such as wetlands in northern slopes of Great Xing' anling Mountains, wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, wetlands in Songnen Plain, wetlands in XiaoXing'anling Mountains and Changbai Mountains, wetlands in Kerqin, wetlands in middle and lower reaches of Liao river, wetlands in Liaodong gulf and wetlands in Hulunbeir. According to China wetlands database, there are 65 patches of wetlands which is more than 10km^2 in the Northeast. Based on the global climatic grid(0.50 × 0.50)database which was built by Leemans and Cramer (1990), in the seven patches of wetlands above, the climate data of 358 point grid in the Northeast from 1950 to 1989 are used to compute the Kira's Warmth Index (WI), Cold Index (CI) and Humidity index (HI). The WI of wetlands in the Northeast ranges from 20℃ per month to 103℃ per month and the CI is - 205℃ per month to - 80℃ per month. The HI is 4.5 mm/℃ per month - 20mm/℃ per month. The index of the wetlands is lower than that at the same latitude because of the cold and humid effect of wetlands. Based on the analysis and modification of Holdridge life zone model, this paper makes an eco-climate research on the wetlands in the Northeast. According to the life zone index of the model, this paper gets the results : for the wetlands in northern slopes of Great Xing' anling Mountains, BT≤ 5.5 ℃ ,P℃450mm, PER≤ 1.0, it belongs to Cold temperate humid forests life zone; for wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, 7℃ 〈 BT ≤ 8 ℃, 500mm 〈 P ≤ 550mm, 1.0 〈 PER ≤ 1.5, it belongs to Temperate semi-humid forests/meadow prairie life zone; for wetlands in Songnen Plain, 8℃ 〈 BT≤9℃ ,400mm 〈 P≤550mm,1.5 〈 PER≤ 2.0, it belongs to Temperate semi-arid meadow prairie wetlands; for wetlands in XiaoXing' anling Mountains and Changbai Mountains, 5.5 ℃ 〈 BT ≤ 7 ℃ ,500mm 〈 P ≤650mm, PER ≤ 1.0, it belongs to Temperate humid forests life zone; for wetlands in Kerqin and Hulunbeir, 9℃ 〈 BT≤9.8 ℃ ,400mm 〈 P ≤500mm, 1.5 〈 PER≤2.0, they belong to Temperate semi-arid prairie life zone; for wetlands in middle and lower reaches of Liao river, wetlands in Liaodong gulf, BT 〉 9.8 ℃, P 〉 650mm, 1.0 〈 PER ≤ 1.5, they belong to Warm temperate semi-humid meadow prairie life zone.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期16-24,共9页 Resources Science
基金 国家级 气候变化专家委员会专项:"IPCC第二工作组第四次评价报告对我国的影响和对策"(编号:2007002)
关键词 东北地区 湿地 温暖指数(WI) 湿润指数(HI) Holdridge生命地带 Resource and environment Wetlands in Northeast China Warmth Index (WI) Holdridge life zone
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