
成都市7 ~17岁儿童青少年超重肥胖BMI参考值研究 被引量:3

BMI Value Among Overweight and Obesity Teenagers From 7 to 17 Years Old in Chengdu
摘要 目的制定成都市7 ~17岁儿童青少年超重、肥胖的BMI界值。方法采用随机整群抽样方法,抽取成都市7 ~17岁儿童青少年6 396人,测量生长发育指标,作为建立BMI界值的数据库;以身高标准体重法为参照标准,绘制成ROC曲线,从中确立最佳界值点。结果运用ROC曲线法对成都市7 ~17岁男女童超重、肥胖的BMI界值点分析, 7 ~17岁男童超重最佳界值点的灵敏度在91% ~100%之间,平均97.5%,特异度在86% ~100%之间,平均94.7%;男童肥胖最佳界值点的灵敏度在90% ~100%之间,平均97.6%,特异度在92% ~100%之间,平均97.0%。7 ~17岁女童超重最佳界值点的灵敏度在94% ~100%之间,平均97.2%,特异度在88% ~100%之间,平均95.8%;女童肥胖最佳界值点的灵敏度各年龄组均为100%,特异度在96% ~100%之间,平均98.7%。结论据ROC曲线法对成都市7 ~17岁男童超重的BMI界值点参考值分别在17.40至22.71之间,肥胖在18.69至25.02之间; 7 ~17岁女童超重的BMI参考值分别在16.77至23.58之间,肥胖在18.48至26.24之间。男女童最佳界值点不同,随年龄增大,界值升高。 Objective To formulate the BMI Value of overweight and obesity teenagers from 7 to 17 years old in Chengdu. Methods 6 396 teenager aged from 7 - 17 years old were selected in Chengdu by cluster random sampling. The BMI value database was established according to the indexes of their growth and development. ROC curve was drawn and the best point was defined according to the standard body weight and stature. 2 700 students were sampled and indexes of growth value, diastolic pressure, and systolic pressure were measured in order to confirm. Result BMI cutoff points for overweight and obesity of Teenager from 7 tol7 years old in Chengdu were analyzed. The sensitivity of the best point of overweight for boys is 91% - 100% , average 97.5%, the specificity was 86% - 100%, average 94. 7%. The sensitivity of the best point of obesity for boys is from 90% to 100% , average 97.6%, the specificity was 92% - 100%, average 97.0%. The sensitivity of the best point of overweight for girls was 94% - 100%, average 97.2%, the specificity was 88% - 100%, average 95.8%. The sensitivity of the best point of obesity for girls was 100% , the specificity was 96% - 100%, average 98.7%. Conclusion The best BMI cutoff points of overweight and obesity is 17.40 - 22.41 and 18.69 -25.02 for boys in Chengdu. The best BMI cutoff points of overweight and obesity is 16.77 - 23.58 and 18.48 - 26.24 for girls in Chengdu. It is different between boys and girls. The best BMI cutoff points increase with age increase.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2007年第6期639-643,共5页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 2005年度成都市疾病预防控制中心科研基金资助项目
关键词 儿童青少年 肥胖 BMI Teenager Obesity BMI
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