

Studying about Frequent Itemsets Mining Algorithm Based on Database and Data Stream
摘要 Apriori算法是关联规则挖掘中的经典算法。在关联规则挖掘中,频繁项集是挖掘核心。针对Apriori算法的瓶颈和数据流频繁项集挖掘的特点,研究人员提出了许多改进算法。对改进算法的特点进行归纳、分析和研究有利于从不同角度、采用不同的技术改善算法的性能,提高数据挖掘效率,有利于数据挖掘的进一步研究和应用。 Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm of association rule mining. Frequent item sets is the core in algorithm of Association rule mining. To solve bottleneck of the apriori algorithm and characteristic of data stream frequent itemsets mining, a lot of improved algorithms are put forward by researcher, concludeing,analyzing and studying about characleristic of improverd algorithm that is propitious to improve ability of algorithm and to advance efficiency of data mining by used another point of view and technic, To more study and application of data mining it is propitious.
作者 孙莉
出处 《现代机械》 2007年第5期54-57,共4页 Modern Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(60673138)
关键词 数据挖掘 关联规则 数据流 频繁项集 APRIORI算法 data mining association rule data stream frequent item sets apriori algorithm
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