
Atopobium vaginae与细菌性阴道病关系的研究 被引量:5

Study on the association of Atopobium vaginae with bacterial vaginosis
摘要 目的:应用非培养方法研究Atopobium vaginae与细菌性阴道病的关系。方法:根据Nugent评分标准从15例健康妇女及17例BV患者的其阴道分泌物中提取细菌总DNA。分别选择健康妇女及BV患者样本各3例,构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库并进行测序分析。应用Atopobium vaginae16S rRNA基因的特异性引物对32例样本进行PCR扩增。结果:Atopobium vaginae是BV患者阴道菌群中的优势菌种,它存在于大部分(14/17)BV患者阴道中,健康妇女阴道中(1/15)则很罕见。结论:Atopobium vaginae与细菌性阴道病的发生有一定的相关性。 Objective:To explore the association of Atopobium vaginae with bacterial vaginosis by culture-independent method. Methods:Total microbial community DNA of 32 sampies ,including 15 healthy women and 17 patients with BV based on the Nugent criteria,was ex- tracted from vaginal swabs. The 16S rRNA gene clone libraries of 6 samples from 3 BV patients and 3 healthy women were structed and sequences analysis were done. With the specific primer for 16S rRNA gene of Atopobium vaginae,32 samples were PCR amplificated. Results:Atopobium vaginae predominated in the vaginal microflora of BV-patients. It was present in vaginal microflora of the most BVpatients( 14 /17), but very rarely in that of healthy women( 1 /15). ium vaginae is associated with the occurrence of BV.
作者 张彦 宋磊
出处 《现代妇产科进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期753-755,共3页 Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology
基金 "十五"国家科技攻关计划(No:2004BA720A05-02)
关键词 阴道病 细菌性 Atopobium vaginae 16S RRNA基因 克隆文库 Vaginosis bacterial Atopobium vaginae 16S rRNA gene Clone library
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