

摘要 报道迄今仙女蝎蛉科的最古老化石(meropeids)在中国陕西发现。经研究确定1新属1新种:Sinothuama ladinicagen.etsp.,归入仙女蝎蛉科Meropeidae Handlisch,1906。此次这类化石的发现,其意义在于:首次发现迄今世界上仙女蝎蛉科的最古老化石(meropeids),从而打破了俄国学者发现最古老仙女蝎蛉化石在晚三叠世所保持30余年的纪录;并根据从晚三叠世至新生代中仙女蝎蛉化石的不同种类所反映出来的脉序变化特征,推论仙女蝎蛉早期分异于在三叠纪,继承和发展于侏罗纪。化石采自中国陕西铜川地区中三叠统铜川组(Tr2t),时代相当于欧洲标准时代的拉丁尼期(Ladinian stage)。 A new genus and species(Sinothauma ladinica gen.et sp.nov.)have been discovered by the author for the first time from the Midtriassic Tongchuan Fm.of Shaanxi Province,China,and are assigned to the family Meropeidae Handlirsch,1906.Thus the Meropeidae is stratigraphically extended to the lowest horizon,i.e.from the Upper Triassic(Rhaetician stage)to Middle Triassic(Ladinian stage),spanning about 22 Ma.The discovery of the new genus and species in China fills in the gaps in the Midtriassic of the World.According to the venational features of the fossil meropeids,distributed in various geological ages,it seems appropriate that the diversification of the meropeids is in the Triassic and the inheritance and development are in Jurassic.The new fossil meropeids are collected from grayish-green mudstone and shale in the Upper Part of the Lower Member of Midtriassic Tongchuan Fm.in Tongchuan Region.The new genus and new species are new member of the Tongchuan Entomossemblage of the Shaanxi Entomofauna(or Shaanxi Biota)and described.Their geological age can be corresponded to the European Ladinian stage in age.
作者 洪友崇 李竹
机构地区 北京自然博物馆
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期875-880,共6页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 北京自然科学基金(5052013) 国土资源青年优秀科学基金项目资助.
关键词 仙女蝎蛉科 中国稀奇蝎蛉属 中三叠世 陕西 中国 Meropeidae,Sinothuama,Midtriassic,Shaanxi,China
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