
曲板叶蝉属一新种及一新纪录种(半翅目,叶蝉科,片角叶蝉亚科) 被引量:1

摘要 记述曲板叶蝉属1新种齿突曲板叶蝉Tautocerus serristleus sp.nov.,中国1新纪录种德氏曲板叶蝉Tautocerus dworakowskae Anufriev,模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。 In this paper,a new Idiocerine leafhopper species and a new record species of the genus Tautocerus Anufriev,namely,Tautocerus serristleus,Tautocerus dworakowskae are described and illustrated from China.All the type specimens are deposited in the collection of Institute of Entomology,Guizhou University(IEGU).All measurements are in millimeters. 1 Tautocerus serristleus sp. nov. (Figs. 1-12) Body length (ind. tegm. ) : ♂ 6.5-6.6 mm. Vertx yellowish with a small black spot near to each eye. Face yellowish with a broad ashy median band. Ocelli and eyes yellowish brown, sometimes with two. pairs of smaller dark spots between the ocelli. Pronomm yellowish, with three pairs of black stripes, posterior margin and middle region of dark brown. Scutellum with a triangular black spot on each side comer, a black Y-shaped streak on the middle, and two pairs of rounded black spots of the Y-shape streak below and above. Forewing yellowish brown, venation dark brown, with 3 subapical cells. Vertex short and broad, slightly shorter meclizlly than length next to eyes. Face triangulate, wider than long. Ocelli are situated near the apex of frontal suture, distance between ocelli longer than between ocellus and eye. Antenna of male with a narrow palette. Lorum small and narrow. Pronotum with posterior margin concave. Scutellum triangular, slightly wider than long. Medial length of vertex 0.21, width 1.21. Face length 1.50, width 2.18. eyes with 0.44. Distance between ocelli 0.53, distance from ocellus to eyes 0.31. Medial length of pronotum 0.84, width 1.90. Scutellum Length 0.95, width 1.25. Male pygofer elongated triangle with a small conelike protrusion on posterior margins; subgenital plate very short, abruptly curved at middle and with numerous long fine marginal setae distally. Style long and narrow, tapered to expanded and upturned apex, with ventral margin serrate subapically. Connective T-shaped, with square expanded apically in lateral aspect. Aedeagus with shaft evenly tapered to acute apex, without processes, dorsal apodeme with oval-shaped in dorsal aspect. Male abdominal apodemes as Fig. 4. Holotype ♂, China, Hubei Province, Mr. Wudang (32.23°N, 110.22°E), 8 Aug. 1997, collected by YANG Mao-Fa. Paratype 1 ♂, same data as holotype. Etymology. The species name after Latin serr(serrate) and style, meaning the apex of style with a small serrate, ventral mmgin. This new species is similar to Tautoczvus dworakowskae Anufriev, but can be distinguished by: 1 ) the body larger; 2) aedeagus dorsal apodeme with oval-shaped in dorsal aspect; 3) style rounded curved before apex and with serrate, ventral margin. 2 Tautocerus duorakowskae New record to China (Figs. 13-22) Tantocerus dworahowskae Anufriev: Anufriev, G. A. 1971 Ent. Obozr. 50: 95-116. Specimens examined. 1 ♂ , 5 ♀♀, Heilonjiang (Yichun), 17 Aug. 1996, collected by LI Zi-Zhong, 3 ♂♂ , 5 ♀♀, Inner Mongolia (Wushenqi), 28 July 2006, collected by ZHANG Bin. Distribution. China (Heilongjiang) ; Korea.
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期937-940,共4页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670246).
关键词 半翅目 叶蝉科 片角叶蝉亚科 曲板叶蝉属 新种 新纪录 Hemiptera,Cicadellidae,Idiocerinae Tautocerus,new species,new record
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  • 1Anufriev,G.A.1971b.New and little-known leafhoppers (Homoptera,Auchenorrhyncha) from the Soviet Far East and neighboiring countries,Ent.Obozr.,50:95-116.
  • 2Anufriev,G.A.and Emeljanov,A.F.1988.Keys to the identification of insects of the Soviet Far East 2:Homoptera and Heteroptera.1-972,Leningrad.
  • 3Dlabola,P.H.1974.Generische Gliederung der Unterfamilie Idiocerinae in der Palaearktis (Homoptera,Auchenorrhyncha).Acta Faun.Ent.Nat.Prag.,15:59-68.
  • 4Kwon,Y.J.1985.Classification of the leafhopper-Pests of the Subfamily Idiocerinae from Korea.The Korean J.of Entomology,15 (1):61-73.
  • 5葛钟麟.1992.同翅目,叶蝉总科:陈世骧(主编),横断山区昆虫,第1册.北京:科学出版社.243~316.



  • 1葛钟麟.1992.同翅目,叶蝉总科[A].陈世骧.横断山昆虫,第一册[M].北京:科学出版社:243-316.
  • 2sAnufriev GA. 1971. New and littele-known leathppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Soviet Far East and neighboring countries [J]. Ent Obozr, 50:95 - 116.
  • 3Anufriev GA, Emeljanow AF. 1988. Keys to the identification of insects of the Sovies Far East 2 : Homoptera and Heteroptera[ M]. Leningrad : 1 - 972.
  • 4Kwon YJ. 1985. Classification of the leafhopper Pests of the subfamily Idiocerinae from Korea [ J ]. The J of Entomology, 15 ( 1 ) : 61 - 73.









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