Waternet. cloud, snow and forest, etc have fractal features of nature. As compared with pure mathematical conception of Fractal, the fractal features in nature differs in two: 1) nature fractal features will be manifest only in certain scales and ranges. 2) there does not exist such a pure conception, that it must be processed by mathematics statistical method.The fractal features of geographical phenomenon in as well as the progress in the research on seacoast, river, topography, town distribution and so on are discussed. Varigram is introduced to compute the fractal feature of Chinese lake distribution. The Chinese Lake Database, in which lakes of over 10 squared kilometres in China are included, is chosen, and the whole country group and the Qinghai-Xizang Pleteau group are selected. The distances of each two lake centres are computed, then 100 groups are divided into according to the distance. In each distance group, the average lake area variance is computed, the log-log plots are drawn. The computed slopes of recursive plot in the two groups provide information on the fractal dimensions of the two lake groups. The results show that the fractal dimension for the whole country group is 2. 564 with a regression coefficient of 0. 634, while the dimension for the Qinghai-Tibet Pleteau group is 2. 359 with a regression coefficient of 0. 759.In the end, the geographic explanation on the fractal character of Chinese lakes is given,which can be used in lake classification and lake database establishment in China.
Journal of Lake Sciences