
冲突升级对干预机制的内在要求 被引量:3

A Contribution of Conflict Escalation Theory to the Construction of Social Conflict Handling System
摘要 近年来我国社会冲突干预机制建设偏重于干涉规则的专门化和干涉机构的正规化,这显示了制度设计者强烈的功能主义理论倾向。分析格拉斯尔冲突升级理论对社会冲突干预机制建设的影响,就是要从功能主义的理论盲区中选点观察功能主义理论指导下的机制建设可能存在的问题。这样做的意义在于为我国社会冲突干预机制建设及其评价提供一个新的理论视角。 In recent years, China has strengthened the construction of social conflict handling systerns, and made great efforts to specialize the conflict handling rules and normalize the conflict handling organizations. This way of system construction is strongly influenced by structural functionalism theoretically, which has its own theoretical blind spots. In order to suggest that the conflict theory could also be significant for the construction design of social conflict handling systems, this paper has introduced the Glasl's conflict escalation model, which indicates that the diverse escalation stages of social conflicts need different conflict handling systems.
作者 张网成
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期31-37,共7页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
基金 北京师范大学"985工程"二期科技创新平台"公共安全系统分析与政策研究"的阶段成果
关键词 社会冲突 冲突激化 冲突干预 social conflict conflict escalation conflict handling system
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