
超宽带多径信道的频域建模与仿真 被引量:4

Frequency domain modeling and simulation for ultra-wideband multi-path channel
摘要 对于超宽带室内多径信道,由于信号传播的成簇特性,一般常采用较多参数描述的修正的S-V模型,而近年来频域自回归(AR)模型以其独有的特点得到大家的重视。针对频域AR模型,着重讨论了在超宽带室内多径信道的计算机仿真中,如何利用零极点分布进行频域AR建模的方法,并结合实例给出了仿真结果,说明了频域AR模型只需要很少的模型参数就可得到一个比较精确的信道描述,是超宽带信道建模比较理想的选择。 For the UWB indoor multi-path channel,because of clustering property of signal propagation,the modified Saleh- Valenzuela model whieh needs more parameters is usually adopted,however,the frequency domain AR model which possesses special features has been pay great attention to in recent years.In this paper the method how to apply the pole/zero pattern to the frequency domain AR modeling is discussed and the simulation results are gained combining with an example.The results show that the frequency domain AR model only requires less number of parameters to gain a more accurate model description,it is an ideal choice for UWB channel modeling.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第33期138-140,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 中国矿业大学科技基金项目(the Scientific Research Fund of China University of Mining & Technology No.OC4501)
关键词 超宽带 频域AR模型 多径信道 零极点分布 建模与仿真 ultra-wide band frequency domain autoregressive model muhi-path channel pole/zero pattern modeling and simulation
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