
栉孔扇贝消化系统μ受体的免疫组化定位研究 被引量:2

Immunohistological Detection of Mu Opioid Receptors in the Digestive System of the Mussel: Chlamys farreri
摘要 采用免疫组织化学定位的方法研究了μ受体在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)消化系统的分布,结果表明:口唇上皮的大量皱褶呈μ受体阳性,少量皱褶呈μ受体强阳性,口唇结缔组织呈弱阳性或阳性;唇瓣表皮大量部位呈μ受体阳性,少量部位呈μ受体强阳性,唇瓣结缔组织呈阳性或弱阳性,结缔组织内有少量神经纤维呈阳性;胃上皮表面呈μ受体阳性,胃上皮内部呈μ受体弱阳性;肠粘膜上皮有大量μ受体阳性颗粒和弱阳性颗粒分布;直肠上皮有少量皱褶表面呈μ受体弱阳性;肝小叶中的少量细胞呈μ受体阳性,大量细胞呈μ受体强阳性,肝小叶间结缔组织呈强阳性或阳性. Using immunohistochemical technique, the mu receptors in the digestive system of Chlamys farreri were de tected. The results showed that the epithelium of the intestines presented mu receptor positivity or weak positivity. The epithelium of rectum presented mu receptor weak positivity. The epithelium of mouth labia presented mu receptor positivity or very strong positivity. The connective tissue of mouth labia and labial palps presented mu receptor positivity or weak positivity. We also observed some positive fibres in the connective tissue of labial palps. The epithelium of stomach presented mu receptor weak positivity. The liver acini and connective tissue of digestive diverticula presented mu receptor positivity or very strong mu receptor positivity.
出处 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期137-139,共3页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家973计划项目(G1999012005)
关键词 栉孔扇贝 Μ受体 消化系统 Chlamys farreri mu opioid receptor digestive system
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