

New Developing Stage for ICBC to Build A World-class Morden Financial Enterprise
摘要 2006年10月27日,中国工商银行在上海、香港两地同步上市,实现了从国有独资商业银行向国际公众持股银行的历史性飞跃。站在新的历史起点,工商银行重新审视未来发展的方向,开始书写建设国际一流现代金融企业的新篇章。一年来,工商银行以转型、服务、创新为主线,实施一系列战略性举措,不仅向全球投资者交出靓丽的业绩答卷,更树立起全新的企业形象。在上市一周年这个特殊的时刻,让我们共同回顾工商银行一年来走过的不平凡的道路。 On October 27,2006,ICBC succeed in its dual listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong,getting a historical leap from a state-owned commercial bank to an international public shareholding company. Standing at the new starting point,ICBC has begun its new stage of building a world-class financial enterprise by reconsidering the way it develops. For one year since its IPO,ICBC has targeted on transformation,service and innovation. As a result,ICBC has not only achieved satisfactory performance for its global investors but also built an ever new corporate image in the market.
作者 姜烨
出处 《中国城市金融》 2007年第11期6-9,4,共4页 China Urban Finance
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