From l985 to 1995,ll9 Patients with thpoid minoma were heated by mpry in our hosptal. of them 39 PatientS were nd by meperation. In 5 cases, the first opewhon was the ewtion of the thyroid neoglastn, and the second was the retion of one lobe of the thpoid gland. The residual orhana hssue was foun by Pathology in 3 cases.The metastatic careinoma in cetwcal lymph nedes was found by Patholop in the samples of selective neck dissechon for ll cases. In 6 cases of thyried edt arim, the fiIs operation was biopsy for cehocal lymph node, and the ed was the edted talical thyridstw.In 3 on of thpoid atinoma with petoperative meonnce, re-eshon was performed. The authors tha that: ① The first operation for the thyroid atinoma should be the reasehon of one lobe and fretum ②For the papillary careinoma the selective neck diwrtion shoul be pebe. ③It ed be for tha the diagnoois of the thwtd occult orinofna is important ④For the neck meonnce of the thpoid orim ther the whted ndical thyIDidectom, the trint should include re-reasehon and ndotherapy.
Henan Journal of Oncology