
论医师的职业道德教育 被引量:2

Education of Physicians’ Professional Morality
摘要 目前,由于医疗事故的曝光及医师与药商及医疗设备制造商之间的紧密联系,医师职业道德问题已经成为医疗行业中的重要问题。针对这个问题,人们试图从医学教育中找到解决方案。本文以美国近年来所开展的医师职业道德研究成果为依据,就医师职业道德的定义,如何进行医师职业道德教育、如何评估医师职业道德进行了系统的总结,对我国医学教育工作者将来如何理解医师职业道德的本质,如何开展医学生的职业道德教育,如何评估医师职业道德研究,怎样开展医师职业道德研究,具有很高的借鉴意义。 At present, media exposure of medical malpractice and close relationship of medical doctors with pharmaceutical compariles and medical device manufacturers have made physicians' professional morality an important issue in healthcare sector. Many medical educators have tried to find out reasonable solutions from medical education. The article systematically summarizes the definition of medical professional morality and how to teach and assess it based on the current evidence of medical professional morality documented in the US. There are some significant implications for Chinese medical educators to understand what the nature of medical professional morality from the American medical educators' perspective is, how to conduct professional morality education, how to assess physicians' professional morality research, and how to carry out research on professional morality in China.
出处 《西北医学教育》 2007年第6期984-987,共4页 Northwest Medical Education
关键词 医学教育 医师 职业道德 medical education physician professional morality
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