物业管理是现代化商业和住宅管理中一个极其重要的工作,随着城市建设的发展,各种住宅、商业大厦、办公大楼、标准工业厂房以及住宅小区日益增多,它们在交付使用后,都面临着管理、养护、修缮的问题;为此,我们以PowerBuilder为开发平台,SQL Server2000为后台数据库开发了一个基于C/S模式的新型小区物业管理系统。本系统采用C/S模式,前台使用的开发工具是PowerBuilder,后台数据库是SQLServer。本文首先介绍了小区物业管理系统的系统分析,然后介绍系统的软件结构方案选择,接着阐述了系统的设计方案,最后阐述了系统实现方案。
Property Management is an extremely important job in modern commerce and residential management. With the development of urban construction, all kinds of residences, commercial buildings, office buildings, standard industrial plants as well as residential quarters have increased. After their delivery, they all are faced with problems of the management, conservation and restoration. Therefore, we develop a new district property management system based on the C/S mode, which PowerBuilder is considered as development platform and SQL Server 2000 is considered as a background database. This system uses the C /S mode, the development tools is PowerBuilder, background database is SQL Server. This paper first introduces analysis of property management system, and introduces the system software architecture options. Then based on the design of system, at last it introduces final realization scheme of the program on the system.
LIU Jun (Liaonmg Information Vocational & Technical College, Liaoyang 111000,China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology