The realistic world in Karl Marx's mind is the one with "calamity trodden" as Feuerbach has put it. In such a world the traditional private ownership, esp. the capitalist private ownership, has brought about the full and profound alienation of human beings ourselves. We thus must "change this world". Finding the social es- sence and historical developing law makes it possible to change it. In order to change it practically, we must own both critical weapons and weapons of criticism to wipe out all the unreasonable economic relationships, polotical relationships and cultural relationships that hold back the development of productivity and progress of society so as to create conditions for human's free and all - around development and the realization of communism. The problem of changing the world of our time is to solve the problem of "east and west, north and south", and change the partial and unreasonable international political and economical order, in other words, to form the concept of scientific development to better develop oureselves and further construct a harmonious society and a harmonious world at large.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
change the world
universal alienation
materialist conception of history
proletariat revolution
concept of scientific development