

Analysis of chromosome karyotypes in 120 cases of intrauterine prenatal diagnosis
摘要 目的:分析胎儿染色体异常出现的频率及与产前诊断指征的关系。方法:对有产前诊断指征的120例妊娠16~36周的孕妇进行羊膜腔穿刺或脐静脉穿刺术,取羊水细胞或脐血细胞培养并进行胎儿染色体核型分析。结果:120例产前诊断中,染色体异常7例,占5.83%(7/120)。其中高龄和唐氏高危孕妇42例进行胎儿染色体检查,异常染色体检出率为0;孕妇本人或丈夫染色体结构异常携带者8例,胎儿染色体异常检出率为50.00%(4/8);胎儿畸形7例,异常染色体检出率为14.29%(1/7)。结论:在各类产前诊断指征中,出现胎儿染色体异常者依次以父或母为染色体结构异常携带者、B超检查胎儿异常者的频率高。 Objective: To study the frequency of the abnormal chromosome and to investigate the relationship between the indications of prenatal diagnosis and abnormal karyotypes. Methods: Cordocentesis and amniocentesis were performed in 120 cases of pregnant women with the indications of prenatal diagnosis during 16 - 36 gestational weeks. The samples of fetal blood and amniotic fluid were analyzed. Results: Seven cases of abnormal chromosome karyotypes were found in 120 cases and the abnormal rate of abnormal karyotypes was 5.83% (7/ 120). The fetal chromosome examination were performed in 42 advanced age pregnant women and the abnormal rate was 0. There were 8 cases of the pregnant women or their husbands carriers with unusual chromosome and the detection rate of malformed fetuses was 50.00% (4/8). There was 7 cases of fetal anomaly and detection rate of abnormal chromosome was 14.29% (1/7). Conclusion: In the pregnant women with prenatal diagnosis, abnormal karyotypes in fetuses are found to be higher in the following situations: one of the couple with abnormal chromosome, abnormal findings in fetues by uitrasonography.
出处 《海南医学院学报》 CAS 2007年第6期508-510,532,共4页 Journal of Hainan Medical University
基金 海南省卫生厅科学研究课题(琼卫2005-63)
关键词 染色体畸变 核型分析 产前诊断 胎儿 Chromosomal aberration Karyotype analysis Prenatal diagnosis Fetus
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