目的:观察宫腔放置米索前列醇预防前置胎盘剖宫产术后出血的效果。方法:选择52例前置胎盘剖宫产术者,随机分为两组,试验组30例,应用子宫下段放置米索前列醇+催产素宫体注射+子宫下段明显血窦肠线"8"字缝合,对照组22例应用催产素宫体注射+子宫下段明显血窦肠线"8"字缝合,以上两组观察术后2 h内出血量。结果:试验组术后出血量(710±150)mL,≥500 mL 6例,占全部病例23.08%,≥1 000 mL 2例,占57.69%。对照组术后出血量(992±309)mL,≥500 mL 19例,占全部病例3.08%,≥1 000 mL 6例,占23.07%,两组出血量比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:应用米索前列醇放置宫腔+催产素宫体注射,促进子宫收缩作用,明显强于单纯应用宫体注射催产素,能较好地预防前置胎盘剖宫产术后出血,用药安全、方便、有效。
Objective: To observe the effect of prevention of postpartum hemorrhage by placing misoprostal into uterine cavity in patients with previa placenta underwent cesarean section. Methods: Fifty two patients with previa placenta underwent cesarean section were divided two groups with randomization. Group of subject had 30 patients, managed with placing misoprostal in inferior uterine cavity + injecting oxytocin into body of uterus + suturing placenta blood sinus of inferior uterus with catgut thread in 8'pattern; group of control had 22 patients, managed with injecting oxytocin into body of uterus + suturing placenta blood sinus of inferior uterus with catgut thread in 8'pattern. Volume of postpartum hemorrhage were observed for 2 hours after cesarean section. Results: Volume of postpartum hemorrhage in group of subject was (710 ±150)mL, among them, volume in 6 patients≥ 500 mL, account for 23.08% of total ; volume in 2 patients ≥ 1 000 mL, account for 57.69%. Volume of postpartum hemorrhage in group of control was (992 ± 309 ) mL, among them, volume in 19 patients ≥500 mL, account for 3.08 % of total; volume in 6 patients≥1000 mL, account for 23.07%. There was significant difference comparing the volume of blood loss in the two groups (P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusions: Combined use of misoprostal and oxytocin for patients with previa placenta underwent cesarean section can enhance uterine contraction great stronger than that using oxytocin alone; it can prevent effectively postpartum hemorrhage; it's safety, ready available and effective.
Journal of Hainan Medical University
Previa Placenta
Postpartum hemorrhage
Cesarean Section