
建立人子宫内膜癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型及其生物学特性的探讨 被引量:1

Establishment of a Subcutaneous Xenotransplanted Tumor Model of Endometrial Carcinoma in Nude Mice and Its Biological Characteristics
摘要 目的:建立人子宫内膜癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,为人子宫内膜癌的诊断和治疗提供理想的在体研究工具。方法:体外培养人子宫内膜癌细胞株HEC-1B,采用皮下注射接种至裸鼠体内,待肿瘤直径达0.8~1.0cm时,将其切下剪成直径为1~2mm小块,再接种至另一裸鼠皮下进行传代。病理组织学检查,光镜、电镜、流式细胞术分析,检测皮下瘤组织和肿瘤细胞系ER、PR、CK表达。结果:成功建立了人子宫内膜癌细胞株HEC-1B裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,并传至第二代,形成的肿瘤具备人肿瘤生物学特点。HEC-1B、皮下移植瘤DI(DNAindex)值分别为1.81±0.46、1.95±0.53,均示异倍体。可见裸鼠皮下移植瘤与HEC-1B细胞的恶性肿瘤生物学特性基本一致。结论:通过此细胞系建立的人子宫内膜癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型的组织病理学免疫组化表型,超微结构,DNA倍体水平特点与来源肿瘤细胞相一致,而且肿瘤的移植生长率为100%,说明该模型系统的生物学特性是稳定的。建立的人子宫内膜癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型具有人子宫内膜癌特征,可用于研究子宫内膜癌的生物学特性,为进一步开展子宫内膜癌的实验研究提供理想的动物模型。 Objective: To establish a xenotransplanted subcutaneous tumor model of human endometrial carcinoma in nude mice. Methods: HEC-1B cells were cultured in vitro and collected. The cell suspension was injected subcutaneously into nude mice. When the subcutaneous carcinoma was approximately 0.8-1.0 cm in diameter, it was surgically removed and divided into pieces of 1-2 mm in diameter. The small pieces of tumor were then re-transplanted subcutaneously into new nude mice. The model was confirmed by histological analysis and electron microscopic observation. DNA content was analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: A subcutaneous xenotransplanted tumor model of endometrial carcinoma was established successfully in nude mice, and the tumor could be passed to new mice. Its characteristics were similar to human endometrial carcinoma. DNA index of HEC-1B cells in vitro and subcutaneous tumor cells that showed heteroploidy are 1.81±0.46 and 1.95±0.53, respectively. The malignant biological characteristics of the subcutaneous xenotransplanted tumor were similar to those of HEC-IB cells. Conclusion: The histopathology, immunohistoehemieal phenotype, ultrastructure, and DNA index character of the subcutaneous xenotransplanted cells were similar to those of the original tumor ceils. Tumor transplant growth rate was 100%, suggesting that the biological characteristics of this model system are stable. The subcutaneous xenotransplanted HEC-1B tumor model in nude mice has the characteristics of human endometrial carcinoma and can be a useful tool for studying the biology, diagnosis and therapy of human endometrial carcinoma.
出处 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第22期1306-1309,1312,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
基金 澳门理工学院科研基金资助(编号:RP/ESS-1/2005)
关键词 子宫内膜癌 细胞株HEC-1B 疾病模型/动物异种移植 裸鼠 Endometrial carcinoma Cell strain HEC- 1 B XenograftDisease model/animal Nude Mice
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