
安全态势感知系统中攻击预测的认知模型 被引量:5

A Cognition Model of Attack Prediction in Security Situation Awareness Systems
摘要 本文首先提出了攻击的分层认知模型,并采用引入时间和空间因素的LAMBDA逻辑表达方法对攻击行为认知的方法进行了描述,然后对攻击过程的认知提出了形式化的描述方法,最后给出了分层认知模型在安全态势感知系统中的应用步骤。 This paper puts forward a hierarchical model of attack cognition first, and describes the cognition method of attack behavior by adopting the LAMBDA logic expression method based on time and space factors, and then puts forward a formal description method for the cognition of the attack process. Finally the paper gives the application steps of the hierarchical cognition model in security situation awareness systems.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 2007年第11期17-19,共3页 Computer Engineering & Science
关键词 攻击认知模型 最大可信度路径 最大攻击度路径 最大期望攻击度路径 attack cognition model max trust degree path max attack degree path max anticipated attack degree path
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