
中国智力障碍者生活质量核心指标的再研究 被引量:5

Re-research on Core Indictors of Quality of Life for Chinese Individuals with Mental Retardation
摘要 智力障碍者生活质量已成为国际社会研究的热点之一。我们对中国智力障碍者生活质量进行了跨文化研究。前期研究确定中国智力障碍者生活质量有七个主要成分,本次研究是对前期研究的深入。本次研究有以下新发现,智障者本人与家长和教师在对智障者生活质量核心指标方面有较大差异,智障者本人在生活质量方面反映出7个指标、家长在对智障者生活质量方面反映5个核心指标、教师在对智障者生活质量方面反映3个核心指标,智障者本人、家长和教师都认为健康是智障者生活质量中最重要的指标。研究结果给我们的重要启示是:以人为本,尊重智力障碍者的自身愿望,充分了解他们的需求,是提高他们的生活质量的重要前提。 Research on quality of life (QOL) for individuals with mental retardation (MR) has drawn increasing attention in the world. This cross - cultural QOL study on Chinese individuals with MR is an extension of our prior inquiry endeavors in determining the major domains of QOL. It is found that individuals with MR differ from their parents and professionals in rating the importance and use of their QOL domains. By the use of factor analysis, we fred a 7 - factor structure of QOL for individuals with MR based upon their own perspective, a 5 - factor structure of QOL in their parents' perspective, and a 3 - factor structure in professionals' perspective. Individuals with MR, their parents, and professionals agree that health is the most important QOL domain. The resuits indicate that it is imperative to understand the views and needs of individuals with MR in the process of enhancing their QOL.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期41-48,共8页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 国际智力障碍生活质量跨文化研究子课题 重庆市特殊儿童心理诊断与教育技术重点实验室资助。
关键词 智力障碍者 生活质量 核心指标 individuals with mental retardation quality of life core indicator
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