
Reducing Network Traffic of Token Protocol Using Sharing Relation Cache 被引量:2

Reducing Network Traffic of Token Protocol Using Sharing Relation Cache
摘要 Token protocol provides a new coherence framework for shared-memory multiprocessor systems. It avoids indirections of directory protocols for common cache-to-cache transfer misses, and achieves higher interconnect bandwidth and lower interconnect latency compared with snooping protocols. However, the broadcasting increases network traffic, limiting the scalability of token protocol. This paper describes an efficient technique to reduce the token protocol network traffic, called sharing relation cache. This cache provides destination set information for cache-to-cache miss requests by caching directory information for recent shared data. This paper introduces how to implement the technique in a token protocol. Simulations using SPLASH-2 benchmarks show that in a 16-core chip multiprocessor system, the cache reduced the network traffic by 15% on average. Token protocol provides a new coherence framework for shared-memory multiprocessor systems. It avoids indirections of directory protocols for common cache-to-cache transfer misses, and achieves higher interconnect bandwidth and lower interconnect latency compared with snooping protocols. However, the broadcasting increases network traffic, limiting the scalability of token protocol. This paper describes an efficient technique to reduce the token protocol network traffic, called sharing relation cache. This cache provides destination set information for cache-to-cache miss requests by caching directory information for recent shared data. This paper introduces how to implement the technique in a token protocol. Simulations using SPLASH-2 benchmarks show that in a 16-core chip multiprocessor system, the cache reduced the network traffic by 15% on average.
出处 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第6期691-699,共9页 清华大学学报(自然科学版(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60673145) the Basic Research Foundation of Tsinghua Na-tional Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNList) the Intel/University Sponsored Research, the National Key Basic Research and Development (973) Program of China (No. 2006CB303100) and the IBM China Research Laboratory
关键词 token protocol sharing relation cache network traffic token protocol sharing relation cache network traffic
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