
Mg-Cu-Ni-Nd合金的非晶形成能力及力学性能 被引量:1

Glass-Forming Ability and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Cu-Ni-Nd Alloys
摘要 对Mg-Ni-Cu-Nd系列合金的非晶形成能力与力学性能进行了研究,发现四元合金Mg62.6Cu10.5Ni14Nd12.9可以形成直径为5mm的非晶合金。经XRD、DSC和SEM研究结果表明,该合金由单一非晶相组成,具有明显且较高的玻璃转变温度Tg(431K),高的晶化初始温度Tx(488K),宽的过冷液相区ΔTx=Tx-Tg(57K),是非晶形成能力和热稳定性较高的合金之一,也是目前所发现的成本最低的大尺寸非晶合金。室温单轴压缩试验表明,Mg62.6Cu10.5Ni14Nd12.9合金的压缩断裂强度较高,为541MPa。 We studied the glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of Mg-Cu-Ni-Nd alloy system. It was found that the alloy Mg62.6Cu10.5Ni14Nd12.9 could form amorphous rods with a diameter of at lest 5 mm in diameter. The result of XRD, DSC and SEM indicate that this alloy is composed of single amorphous phase. The high and obvious glass transition temperature Tg(431 K ), remarkable supercooled liquid region A Tx= Tx-Tg( 57 K) suggest that the Mg62.6Cu10.5Ni14Nd12.9 alloy is a good glass former and with high thermal stability. It is a kind of BMG with lower cost and high GFA found at present. The compression at room temperature indicates that Mg62.6Cu10.5li14Nd12.9 rods split abruptly at very high fracture strength of 541 MPa.
出处 《铸造》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1164-1166,共3页 Foundry
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(052379)
关键词 非晶合金 形成能力 力学性能 amorphous alloy glass-forming ability mechanical properties
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