推力和垂向力是城市轨道交通车辆牵引用直线感应电机(LIM:Linear Induction Motor)的两个重要技术指标。本文提出一种基于混合磁悬浮原理的LIM推力和垂向力的测试方法,该方法采用非接触的方式可同时精确测出LIM的推力和垂向力。本文介绍了测试平台原理和系统的总体控制方案,对悬浮系统的控制器进行了设计,通过悬浮实验验证了所设计的控制器能够满足悬浮控制的要求。
Thrust and Vertical force is two critical of linear induction motor in urban trail. This paper presents the method of measuring thrust and vertical force of LIM based on maglev principle, the measuring of thrust and vertical force is accurate because of eliminating influence of the friction between wheel and rail. The principle and the realized way of this measurement system described, the controller of maglev system is designed and proved to be effective and stability for maglev system based on experiment.
The World of Inverters