Amusical soundtrack is an essential part of any workout. When the ipain kicks in and the lazy demon in your head is telling you to stop, that song that reminds you of your first year at university could be just the tonic you need to persevere. And whereas a few years ago you had to rely on the musical taste -- or lack thereof-- of the gym staff, the MP3 player explosion now means that you can choose your own gym soundtrack to drown out that awful early 9os Euro- house. But as anyone who has taken their 6o gigabyte iPod out on a run will tell you, not all MP3 players are designed for a strenuous workout. Just as you wouldfft take your laptop with out with you on your morning jog, so hard-drive MP3 players -- generally any device larger than 4GB -- are also equally unsuited to rough- and-tumble, not to mention extremely bulky and cumbersome.