在回顾地面沉降研究现状的基础上,提出基于 Merchant 粘弹性模型,建立地面沉降的二维粘弹性 Biot 固结有限元计算方法,采用 Biot 固结理论进行由降水形成的渗流场与应力场的耦合分析,通过野外勘测和室内土工试验,并运用二维 Biot 固结平面有限元程序计算因开采地下水而引起的地面沉降问题,最后通过工程实例验证了该方法的可行性。
It is the purpose of this article to explore the method of land subsidence and prediction. The two-dimensional formulas of viscous-elastic Biot's consolidation FEM base On Merchants'model are presented to calculate land subsidence. Land subsidence relation with pore-pressure dissipation and soil saturated consolidation, On the basis of field observations and laboratory test parameters by the drilling. It was revised to settlement results so that the predicted subsidence quantities are found reliable comparable to field measurements. The future subsidence can be predicted more accurately by using the method. This paper can provide significant information for the issue of the natural hazard mitigation.
Building Technology Development