
13例肾癌病人介入治疗的临床分析 被引量:1

Clinical research of interventional treatment for 13 patients with kidney cancer
摘要 目的:观察肾癌肾动脉介入治疗的疗效及毒副反应。方法:2002年6月-2005年12月对13例不愿意接受手术或不能手术患者行肾动脉介入治疗,肾动脉内先注入化疗药物ADM40-60mg,MMC6-16mg,PDD40-60mg,然后注入无水酒精加碘油(1:1)10-20ml,最后用明胶海棉栓塞动脉主干,一个月做一次,2次结束后评价疗效。结果:13例病人治疗后,临床症状平均缓解率为90.32%,近期有效率为76.92%。毒副反应主要表现为腰痛加剧、发热、恶心、呕吐,经对症处理后,大部分于1周内,最长2周内缓解。结论:肾动脉灌注栓塞化疗是治疗不能手术肾癌的一疗效肯定,毒副反应可耐受的方法,值得临床推广应用。 Objective: To observe curative effect and side effect of interventional treatment of the kidney artery for patients with kidney cancer. Methods: From June 2002 to December 2005,13 patients who wouldnt like to be operated or cant accept operation were treated with interventional treatment of the kidney artery, Chemotherapy medicine: ADM40 -60mg, MMC6 -16mg and PDIM0 -60mg was injected in Kidney artery then absolute alcohol and lipiodot all together10-20ml (1:1) was injected; finally, use glutin sponge embolism to fill in the artery trunk. Once a month, the effect was evaluated twice later. Results: After the treatment, the average relief rate of clinical symptoms of the 13 patients was 90.20% ,and recent efficiency rate was 76.92%. The side effect inclut]ed: lumbago, fever, queasiness and vomit. But after treating, most symptoms relieved in one or two weeks. Conclusion: The chemotherapy priming embolism into kidney artery is an effective method, side effect is acceptable to treat kidney cancer who can
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2007年第5期689-690,共2页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 肾癌 介入治疗 kidney cancer interventional treatment
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