

A study on relational ENSDF databases and online services
摘要 运用关系型数据库理论和面向对象编程技术,设计实现了关系型的ENSDF核数据库及其管理系统软件,与在线计算和数据可视化技术相结合,提供了全部评价核结构和衰变数据的在线共享服务。数据库管理和数据共享的软件系统具有操作系统平台无关的性质。 A relational ENSDF library software is designed and released. Using relational databases, object-oriented programming and web-based technology, this software offers online data services of a centralized repository of data, including international ENSDF files for nuclear structure and decay data. The software can easily reconstruct nuclear data in original ENSDF format from the relational database. The computer programs providing support for database management and online data services via the Internet are based on the Linux implementation of PHP and the MySQL software, and platform independent in a wider sense.
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期841-844,共4页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 ENSDF文件 关系型模型 数据可视化 在线数据服务 ENSDF files, relational data model, visualization of data, Online data services
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