

Distributed traceable threshold-multisignature scheme
摘要 门限-多重签名是结合了门限签名和多重签名的特点而产生的新的签名,这种签名体制既可以使多于门限t个以上的签名者产生合法的签名,同时又具有签名者可追踪的特性。提出了一个完全分布式的可追踪门限-多重签名,使得必须有t个或t个以上的诚实组成员合作才可能产生一个门限-多重签名,并且可以公开验证签名中每个签名成员的身份。该门限-多重签名方案是基于可证明安全的单签名变体改进的,具有较高的安全性。在协议的整个过程中利用了已证明安全的签名和签密技术,保障了协议过程的安全性及可验证性。方案本身及协议的安全性和高效性使得此方案具有较高的实用性。 Threshold-multisignature schemes combine the properties of threshold group-oriented signature schemes and multisignature schenles.This kind of signature scheme allows a threshold t or more group members to collaboratively sign on a message and the signers' identifications can be traced and verified.A fully distributed threshold-muhisignature scheme is proposed in this paper.The scheme is developed from a proved secure single signature scheme and has the same security of its basic version.In the progress of the protocols one secure signature scheme and one secure signcryption scheme are incorporated to ensure that the protocols are secure and verifiable.The security and efficiency of the scheme and the protocols make the scheme practical.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第35期5-7,26,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60403027)
关键词 门限-多重签名 分布式系统 门限签名 多重签名 可追踪性 threshold-muhisignature distributed systems threshold-signature muhisignature traceability
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