The uptaking and utilizing properties of soilexternal organic phosphorus──phytin andthe improvement of phosphorus status,the effects of biomass by the use of phytase in sugarbeet were studied.The results showed that,a) Sugar beet could in some extend use soil ex-ternal phytin,the effects of biomass by the use of phytin is more than 70%of that by inor-ganic phosphorus;b)The application of phytase,especially under the conditions of higherphytin applying rate, could accelerate the hydrolysis of phytin,increase the phosphorus con-tent in soil solution,stimulate the development of sugar beet roots ,raise the uptake rates ofphosphorus and finally showed a increase of biomass;c)As the applying rate of phytin in-creased,the effects of phytase were increased gradually, when the applying rate of phytinreached to 60mg/kg,the effects of phytin plus phytase were similar to that of inorganic phos-phorus.
Sugar Crops of China