

A practical algorithm for unit commitment taking into account transmission network
摘要 提出一种考虑输电网络损耗及线路过负荷的火电机组优化组合的实用算法。用动态规划法建立一个初始解,运用启发式手法对初始解进行修正,使之逐个满足各约束条件,得到运行可能解,并通过更新发电机起动优先顺序使此过程反复进行直至得到(准)最佳解。在求解过程中引入最优潮流计算,使考虑输电网络损耗及线路过负荷等网络因素对发电机组优化组合的影响成为可能,并提出一种调节发电机出力和改变发电机组合相结合的消除线路过负荷的方法。在IEEE-118母线(36机)系统上对所提出的算法进行了各种条件下的仿真计算,考察了网络损耗及线路过负荷对发电机组优化组合的影响,验证了所提算法对解决考虑输电网络因素影响的发电机组优化组合问题的有效性。 A practical algorithm was proposed for unit commitment problem considering transmission network. A n initial unit commitment solution was created by using dynamic programming technique in advance. The initial solution was revised by applying a heuristic approach to successively satisfy various constraints to obtain an operational unit commitment solution, the process was iteratively performed through updating units' priority orders, until it obtains a sub-optimum solution. An optimal power flow method was incorporated into the heuristic solution process to make it possible to consider affects of network factors such as transmission losses and line overload to unit commitment. In addition, an algorithm for getting rid of line overload was presented, which was composed of adjusting commitment units' output and modifying unit commitment schedule. Various simulations on the IEEE-118 bus system with 36-unit for the proposed algorithm were carried out, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in solving unit commitment problem considering affects of network factors.
作者 高毅 赵国梁
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期63-67,共5页 Electric Power
关键词 发电机组优化组合 网络损耗 线路过负荷 动态规划法 最优潮流计算 unit commitment transmission losses line overload dynamic programming OPF
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