
传教士《论语》译本与基督教意识形态 被引量:13

Christian Ideology and Three Missionary Translations of the Lunyu
摘要 探讨基督教意识形态在三个传教士《论语》译本中的具体体现,研究意识形态对翻译的影响,均有必要作文本(翻译本身)与副文本(注释、序言、绪论等)的分疏。在翻译层面上,译者追求隐形而不可得,意识形态作为其诠释框架的重要组成部分,制约着译者对他者的理解,往往造成无意识的"误读"而非有意识的"操纵"。但在副文本中,译者则会正面现身,进行知识管理。 This paper investigates the ways in which Christian ideology reveals itself in three missionary translations of the Lunyu. It hopes to demonstrate the necessity of making a distinction between the text (the translation proper) and the paratexts (notes, prefaces, introductions, etc) in studying the relationship between ideology and translation: although translators tend to read their own ideology into the translation proper, they are more likely to be manipulated (by their ideology) than willfully manipulating (the text); but in the paratexts they engage more readily in the ideological management of the translated knowledge.
作者 王辉
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期122-126,共5页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 深圳大学人文社科项目"基督教传教士四书英译研究"(项目编号4WHA)的部分成果
关键词 传教士 《论语》 意识形态 翻译 副文本 missionary the Lunyu ideology translation paratext
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